<h3>Anyone with experience volunteering in different foreign countries?</h3>
I am going to pursue this over my summer break. I just want anyone with a similar experience. I am going to Africa or Sierra Leone.
<strong>Sierra Leone best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Reimyo</i><br/>I've volunteered at a wildlife rescue and rehab sanctuary in South Africa. Email me if you want to talk: reimyo_tamashii@yahoo.co.uk :)</p>
<p><strong>Land Rover & the Red Cross in Sierra Leone</strong>
<img alt="Sierra Leone" src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5221/5615391413_a2ff43796b.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/31212965@N04/5615391413">Land Rover Our Planet</a></i>
The effect of the Sierra Leone civil war on children and young people was particularly severe, with around 17,000 having fought as "child soldiers" most of them just teenagers, some as young as six years old. With Land Rover's support, the Sierra Leone Red Cross is able to deliver a life-changing programme called Child Advocacy and Rehabilitation (CAR), which helps some of the country's most traumatised young people, to recover and reintegrate back into society. </p>
Orignal From: Anyone with experience volunteering in different foreign countries?