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what exactly is the differnce between cured and uncured live rock?

<h3>what exactly is the differnce between cured and uncured live rock?</h3>

i was just wanting to know the differnce between cured and uncured live rock. i also heard that u should not add uncured to a tank that is already up and running just add the uncured to a new tank.

<strong>Vanuatu best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Kings Child</i><br/>I'm pretty sure that all live rock needs to be cured before putting in a new or established tank. The uncured needs to go through a process of curing, which is basically a continual rinse off and scrub off of all the dead stuff. You dont want to put uncured live rock in your tank because you will be adding a ton of dead matter which will instantly foul your tank.
Curing rock is time consuming and a process you'd need to learn about. If you dont want to do all that.... just buy the already cured live rock. Look for lots of dark purple coraline algae and other living things on the live rock when you pick it out.
A pale or lavendar color is dead or dying coraline algae.</p>
<p><strong>Japan-Vanuatu-cooperation commemorative plaque, Vanuatu</strong>
<img alt="Vanuatu" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">Arthur Chapman</a></i>
Japan-Vanuatu-cooperation commemorative plaque, on a bridge on the southern part of the island of Efate, Vanuatu. Photographed on 16 March 2011.

Joint copyright: Arthur Chapman and Audrey Bendus.</p>

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