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How many of you think our government should leave Iraq?

<h3>How many of you think our government should leave Iraq?</h3>

I think we should pull our troops out.We don't need another Viet Nam incident.We have lost to many lives already for a war that isn't helping either nation.
I am not a Bush Basher,or a person who dosen't care for war.I am just one person who just wished it all didn't happen and just wish our troops could come home.I am not wanting them to run away or desert the war just end it.I am not a liberal either.

<strong>Viet Nam best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by plus futé que toi</i><br/>Gradually, yes.</p>
<p><strong>garden map of Việt Nam</strong>
<img alt="Viet Nam" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">functoruser</a></i>

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