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Do a child need a passport to travel from UK to home country Nepal?

<h3>Do a child need a passport to travel from UK to home country Nepal?</h3>

My baby is 5 months old and I am on student visa here in UK. Do I need to make her a passport as am Planning to go to my home country Nepal. My baby was born in UK.

<strong>Nepal best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Ted C</i><br/>I think so - being born in the uk means she is British and would need a passport to enter Nepal.</p>
<p><strong>Nepal Jan '13-41</strong>
<img alt="Nepal" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">thedingostrategy</a></i>
Nepal, Mahendranagar, Bridge, Suspension</p>

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