<h3>What country has the highest percentage of blond people? What country has the highest percentage of redheads?</h3>
For redheads I'd think Ireland. For blond, I'd think Finland, Lithuania, or Germany. But these are just guesses. Anybody know?
Christina B:
Ignorant? How am I ignorant? I think you're the one who's ignorant for thinking people don't have a right to personal preferences and curiosity. I like blondes, and I like redheads, and I want to know where a lot of them are. Deal with it.
<strong>Lithuania best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by xeno277</i><br/>I think your assumptions are about right. Definetely Ireland for redheads. Don't forget about Norway or Sweden for blondes.</p>
<img alt="Lithuania" src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2032/1567140790_f1835b0d17.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/68192311@N00/1567140790">PnP!</a></i>
Klaipeda, Lithuania</p>
Orignal From: What country has the highest percentage of blond people? What country has the highest percentage of redheads?