<h3>Is Oman on US or Iran's side in the current Syria problems?</h3>
If Iran's resolution to fix the Syrian problem was to get president of Syria, Bashar Asad, is that Asad goes but without getting trailed. And the US resolution is that all the gulf countries plus Jordan, Egypt, Morrocco, and Lebanon get together to help Syria. Which resolution would Oman be with?
<strong>Oman best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by AJ</i><br/>"It's a good resolution" is not a good answer, is it now David? The question is which side would Oman take, not whether "the resolution is good or bad". Sad story, looking for cheap points by answering 0 answers questions with nonsense answers.
To answer your question. Oman is among the very few Arab countries that have maintained friendly ties with Iran. Wikileaks disclosed US diplomatic cables which have shown that cordial relations between Oman and Iran have borne fruit for the United Kingdom (in helping release British sailors imprisoned by Iran). The same cables also portray the Omani government as wishing to maintain cordial relations with Iran and as having continuously turned down US diplomats requesting Oman to take a sterner stance against Iran.
So, Oman would chose Iran's side in the current Syria problems.</p>
<p><strong>2011-11-28 Oman</strong>
<img alt="Oman" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7152/6429238341_07a79554f6.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/69441931@N00/6429238341">whsaito</a></i>
Oman - Speaking at the Opera House for the Aspen Institute event</p>
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