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How can the USA condemn terrorism when they supported al-qaeda type groups in Libya and Syria?

<h3>How can the USA condemn terrorism when they supported al-qaeda type groups in Libya and Syria?</h3>

In Libya the so called "National transitional council" was full of Al-qaeda salafist types of groups that the US And NATO provided air support for to topple Qaddafi

the same in Syria, the fighting started because the Salafists-al-qaeda extremists started to kill alll their religious opposition of the Alawi sect

So how can the USA claim they are fighting terror when they are infact supporting such groups like Al-qaeda in these war zones?

<strong>Libya best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by kangroo78656</i><br/>America didn't, 0bama used American troops and assets on his own volition and past the lawful time that he needed Congress to authorize their bring there.

As far as we know- 0bama and some clueless RINOss want to sent help to the rebels, but haven't yet.</p>
<p><strong>Libya 300 dirham miniature stamp sheet - 31st Anniversary of 1st September Revolution, 2000. Colonel Gaddhafi</strong>
<img alt="Libya" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">sludgegulper</a></i>
Libya 300 dirham miniature stamp sheet - 31st Anniversary of 1st September Revolution, 2000. Colonel Gaddhafi</p>

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