<h3>From the O board--What do you think of this guy?</h3>
Consider the case of Tukiso, a man in Lesotho, southern Africa. In 1998, foreign troops entered Lesotho to quell an uprising against the government. As a result of that war, shops were looted, people lost their jobs, and there were dire food shortages.
Tukiso lived in the poorest part of the capital. Many of his neighbors had looted shops in order to survive. When Tukiso came back to his one-room dwelling place, he found that Maseiso, the woman with whom he was living, had many goods that she had looted. "Take these things outside," Tukiso said, explaining that it was against the law to steal. Maseiso obeyed. The neighbors mocked them and helped themselves to the stolen food.
Tukiso took this stand because of what he believed was right. Tuskiso is doing extremely well today giving speeches all over the world. "I knew I didn't have to break the law, I just had to be patient and work with what I had. I feel I would starve again rather than lose law and stop being a decent human being."
I don't think many could do this either side of the border. But what a Guy!
<strong>Lesotho best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by ironhead041550</i><br/>I believe that being patient can pay off in the log run, BUT I believe that if my family, children, and myself were starving and I was in that situation I would probably steal food to survive. I would not want my family to die of starvation. I would not however steal stupid crap such as TV's,etc. If there was food shortages and no relief I would loot grocery stores for necessities only!!</p>
<p><strong>Malealea Band, Lesotho</strong>
<img alt="Lesotho" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8150/7172869069_288e0920c6.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39330872@N04/7172869069">Di.Malealea</a></i>
Malealea Band, Lesotho</p>
Orignal From: From the O board--What do you think of this guy?