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Why does the US military kills so much allies in Afghanistan?

<h3>Why does the US military kills so much allies in Afghanistan?</h3>

Yesterday a single bomb dropped by the US, killed 3 and wounded 2 british soldiers. Since 2001, over 300 allies (Canadians, Germans, British, Indians,Australians) and approx. 100 US soldiers, including Tilmann, where killed by the US military. Not mentioning the ones, who's death is still succesfully covered up as by enemy fire and the approx. 120,000 innocent Afghans, women and children, which don't seem to count. Are we there yet? Is Afghanistan a forgotten test and trainings ground for the US Army, before they go to Iraq?
Interesting is, that most answers don't distinct between Iraq and Afghansitan

<strong>Afghanistan best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by m1a1mikegolf</i><br/>Probably because we dropped the bomb exactly where the British told us to.

So far every time a British unit has been attacked by US aircraft it has been because the British troops were someplace other than where they told the US pilots they were.

Personally, I suggest that the US stop flying air support of British troops until they are all given remedial training in how to read a map.</p>

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