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I live in Florida and will be traveling to Poland and Czech Republic. Looking for a long distance phone card.?

<h3>I live in Florida and will be traveling to Poland and Czech Republic. Looking for a long distance phone card.?</h3>

I live in Florida and will be traveling to Poland and Czech Republic. I am looking for a long distance phone card. This card must be able to call from both these countries back to the US ( Texas and Florida ) Any REPUTABLE suggestions?

<strong>Czech Republic best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by jolie</i><br/>You have to buy a phone card in Poland. The ones sold over here won"t work you can only call out. I am not sure where my mother in law buys hers ( she uses those to call us because its cheaper). Congrats on your vacation make shure you visit Krakow & Czestochowa they are the most beautifull towns in Poland and Czech Repoblic is lots of fun ( ; Been there about 16 years ago loved it</p>
<p><strong>Benjamin Page's Czech Republic</strong>
<img alt="Czech Republic" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">Benjamin Page</a></i>
Czech lake another view</p>

Orignal From: I live in Florida and will be traveling to Poland and Czech Republic. Looking for a long distance phone card.?

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