<h3>How do I format the following address to Cyprus?</h3>
How do I format the following address to Cyprus?
Is this address complete? And is this the correct way to format an address to Cyprus? If not, then please tell me how to format it. Also, what does each part mean?
Thanks in advance.
<strong>Cyprus best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by zafir</i><br/>The street number and name is missing from this address. It should be formatted as follows:
Ms Nicola Rossi
Street number and name
2235, Latsia - Nicosia
<p><strong>Cyprus Hymenoptera for naming</strong>
<img alt="Cyprus" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7206/6872358341_e2115953d3.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/54028555@N00/6872358341">Nigel Jones</a></i>
Josef Dvorak has very kindly contributed many high quality photos to the new BWARS wesbite, which is under construction. In return Josef has asked if BWARS can help name this set of images from Cyprus. Genera, species or cf species will be helpful.
All suggestions welcome and thanks for any help.</p>
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