<h3>Is it safe to go on a 3 country trip in South Africa?</h3>
I was thinking about going to South Africa and then traveling to Lesotho and Swaziland, since they're landlocked in the country and would be relatively close.
However, would it be safe to do that?
By the way, I am not paranoid, and I know Africa is a beautiful continent. I am just curious, since I know the economy is bad out there right now.
<strong>Lesotho best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Randy</i><br/>It is safe to a degree. South African big cities have a personal safety issue due to the large impoverished populations living in shanty towns adjacent to these cities. Robberies, carjacking and burglaries are unfortunately common. Outside the cities, it is pretty safe although it is always wise to know your surroundings (this applies to being a tourist anywhere in the world!).
It is safe to drink the tap water in the cities of South Africa; not so much in the bush where the water comes from rivers or wells. Bottled water is suggested there.
Africa is incredible and, once having gone, you will want to go back. East Africa (Kenya & Tanzania, particularly Ruaha National Park in southern Tanzania) is amazing too.</p>
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