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How long does it take for a package to be shipped from italy to the United States?

<h3>How long does it take for a package to be shipped from italy to the United States?</h3>

Hello I just ordered a package from italy and I was wondering how long it will take to get from italy to where I am in Virgina .

<strong>Italy best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by conley39</i><br/>I've lived in Italy for the past 11 years and ship things back and forth with my family in Virginia on occassion. The time can vary widely and depends on how the package was shipped. Often things take several days (3 to 8), but if the paperwork isn't correct or if you owe duty, it can take a lot longer to get your package through customs. The longest I've experienced is 8 weeks, but that was coming from the US to Italy.</p>
<img alt="Italy" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">kygp</a></i>
august 2011, italy</p>

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