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Unveiling the Official President Bush Portrait

Senator Barrack Obama is Not Running Against President Bush - But Bush Bashing Belingers


The Bush Bashers are out for blood; only one problem Senator Barrack Obama is not running against President Bush. Still, this radical fringe continues their assault on President Bush's personal character. In California it's just nuts.

I kid you not, I was listening to a couple of high-strung liberal socialists in Santa Barbara do their little "Bush Bashing routine" and I asked them if they believed in Global Warming and if they thought it was President Bush's fault, they said "Definitely" and so I told them that I heard that President Bush was responsible for Continental Drift and asked them if that was true. They said; "Oh I am sure he is!"

You just cannot reason with this level of nonsense from the incited fringe of the Democrat Party. And really it's not my fault that Paris Whitney Hilton has more diplomatic experience than Barrack Hussein Obama and why am I a racist for pointing that out?

The reality about President Bush's legacy is that President Bush probably put off WWIII by at least a decade, now we must deal with unrest in Pakistan, Iranian nuclear program and a few other challenges around the globe. Is it really President Bush's fault for high fuel prices?

Well, the political analysts at the Online Think Tank believe this "belligerent balloo" is just Baloney. In fact, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney warned us that we needed a comprehensive energy policy, but Washington DC politics as usual, no such luck, now we are paying.

The belly aching, bleeding hearts would have you believe that New Orleans disaster was created by President George Bush, but if you will recall the mayor of that city called off FEMA after the Hurricane passed, said everything was fine, 18-hours later the levee broke. Why; Local corruption, bad planning and ignorance as to the power of Mother Nature.

Such a skewed reading of history is just a liberal media feed for the mindless masses. How dare they continue to attack the President, let's see their resumes. Besides, President Bush is not even running for office.

Unveiling the Official President Bush Portrait

President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama host former President George W. Bush and Former First Lady Laura Bush for the unveiling of their official portraits. May 31, 2012.
Bush Video Rating: 4 / 5

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