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"That La La La Girl" Mashup with Auburn

How to Get Girls


Way too many times do single girls say that they can't ever find a good guy. Every dude they seem to meet is either gay, in love with himself, or just not interested in her. Single guys on the other hand say that they always go out and try to meet girls, and yet end up crashing and burning ending up in flames.

So the question to get girls? It's so funny because neither single guys or girls realize that they have heaps to give each other. Here we'll take a look at some really cool tips on how to get girls and you'll get a few useful pointers on walking in the right path to score yourself that quality girl.

The first thing that you must do before you even step out of your house and going out to meet girls is taking a look at yourself. This is absolutely crucial because you're a super fly cool dude remember! So it's going to be fun.

The very first thing that girls notice when she sets her eyes upon you is your smile. That's right...your smile! So on the contrary, the best way in scaring a girl off is to not smile and be all serious and up yourself. But I'm guessing that you want to attract her though. So a good way to get that smile up ten notches is getting some basic whitening strips, even if it's just for a few days. They are guaranteed to really help bring out your sexy smile.

The second thing to keep in mind is that happiness and confidence are two key and very sexy features in a guy. When girls see you smile at them, it will always capture her attention.

Make sure you take a shower before heading out, and this applies all the time...doesn't matter what you've been doing all day. BO is a huge turnoff. Another thing to remember is that there is zero need to wear expensive designer clothes because the most important thing is that your clothes fit, are clean, express your best features and complement your personality. Wearing the wrong clothes will come across as trying too hard and girls will perceive that as fake. Nobody on this planet is Abercrombie. That's how celebrities do it; try seeing them when they're not being photographed or filmed for movies.

Being the sexy super fly cool dude that you are...leave the house and share yourself with the girls in public. A caveat is that bars and clubs are not the best places to get a girlfriend, but if you like party girls and maybe even wild ones, go for it. The reason why trying to get a girlfriend is considerably more difficult in bars and clubs is that there's loud music, alcohol and people tend to be drunk. So some other good places to meet girls are gyms, parks, shopping malls, colleges, universities etc. But whatever you do don't come across as the super creepy dude that stares at a girl from a distance. That's a major turnoff because it signifies you don't have enough balls to talk to her.

So, in order to actually meet the girl that you want and girls in general being able to approach her. Forget pickup lines, lame jokes, or star signs. They're played out and have gone way past their expiry date. Girls hate them and they never work. Trust me.

The absolute best way to approach a girl is to walk up to her with a smile on your face and introduce yourself. Be cool and casual. If you can incorporate some clever humor in your conversation and make a girl laugh, then you've already beaten over 90% of the other guys around. Always approach a woman as a friend this makes conversation easier for the both of you. But then again, that also depends on how long you've known the girl.

"That La La La Girl" Mashup with Auburn

Support Auburn: Subscribe to Auburn: Thanks to Richard Frias, Kayla Isenberg, Warner, Threshold Sound and Todd Bergman (for engineering) Video Edited by Auburn herself! ======================================= ► CD'S HERE ► OFFICIAL ► FACEBOOK http ► TWITTER ► MYSPACE ► ITUNES ► MAILING LIST ► IPHONE APP Auburn) Uh oh, yea. yea, yea I don't need that boy by my side I don't need that boy in my life I don't want to talk it out or hold him when he cries I don't want to say he's my kind I don't want to say that he's mine I don't want to tell him that I love him more than life More than life Yea,yeahh I love him more than life (David)La,La,La (David) Can't even hang out with friends (Auburn: Friends) Without you blowin' up my phone Why you all up in my ear? (Auburn: Ear) Like where am I and when am I coming home Why you listening to your friends (Auburn: Friends) They don't want to see us be (Auburn: Be) Girl you better take it slow or I'll be history You got to give me my space (Auburn: Space) So quick to calling my name (Auburn: Name) Girl you better recognize My love, is one of a kind (Auburn: One of a kind) You drive me up to the ceiling There's no need for the screaming You know that you are my world (Both)But I'm sick and tired of the (Both) La,La,La,La,La That's all I hear you saying La,La,La,La,La Tired ...
girl Video Rating: 4 / 5

Orignal From: "That La La La Girl" Mashup with Auburn

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