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How much spending money do I need to take on a one week holiday to Hong Kong?

<h3>How much spending money do I need to take on a one week holiday to Hong Kong?</h3>

I am going to Hong Kong in a month or so for a week, it is going to cost me about £280 for the flight but I need to know how much spending money I am going to need to take. I am going to want to go out every night, eat well and basically have a really good time. Is is going to be cheap like Thailand or expensive like New York? Help!!

<strong>Hong Kong best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by zirconiag</i><br/>not as pricey as NY but almost...and definitely not as cheap as visiting Thailand</p>
<p><strong>Hong Kong 2013</strong>
<img alt="Hong Kong" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">Mr Thinktank</a></i>
some impressions from Hong Kong in May</p>

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