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What other announcements in the F1 world do you expect this week?

<h3>What other announcements in the F1 world do you expect this week?</h3>

This week we have had:

Liuzzi confirmed as Force India driver for the rest of the season.

The rebels Williams and Force India are back in FOTA.

What do you expect next during the upcoming Italian G.P? This time of the year is usually prime time for important announcements. Banco Sanatnder? Alonso? Rosberg? Any other relevant news? Let's see how creative (or connected) you are.
@eyes: Just FYI, Liuzzi has recently had plastic surgery to modify his chin, and it has been replaced by a double deck diffuser, so he will be more competitive.

<strong>Vanuatu best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by dancecorona88</i><br/>I'm expecting Renault's announcement about withdrawing from F1 in near future...</p>
<p><strong>Ali and Tom in Vanuatu</strong>
<img alt="Vanuatu" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">thmcmahon</a></i>
Me and Ali on a beach in Vanuatu.</p>

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