<h3>What are some of the most popular jewelry companies in India?</h3>
When i went to India, i saw several commercials for this certain jewelry company advertising wedding jewelry. I forgot the name of it! Im hoping if i heard some of the most popular wedding jewelry stores known in India that i will be able to find the name of it again! For the U.S., some of the best known jewelry stores are Jared's or Moody's or Kay's, etc. what are the best known wedding jewelry companies in/from India?
<strong>India best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Mohammad</i><br/>Names of Popular Jewellery company in India:
1. Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Ltd.
2. Kalyan Jewellers
3. Jewellery sites of popular jewelers:
<p><strong>India - Sights & Culture - Tourism Slogan</strong>
<img alt="India" src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2604/4040002367_4ffb679788.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/56796376@N00/4040002367">mckaysavage</a></i>
I love Indian advertising, but not for its subtleness or sophistication.
Yes, the "Incredible India" campaign is India's pre-eminent national campaign to woo tourists. But that is, to use the phrase, your "inside voice" not what you use in your marketing campaign and paste on a bus.
Tip to Indian tourism: your slogan is supposed to be for the tourists you are wooing. 1,00,000 things you could say about how great India is and this is what you chose? It just kills me! :)
(disclosure: I don't think this bus was run by anyone connected to the national-level Incredible India campaign, but just some small local operator who borrowed the slogan and targets local Indians not actually foreigners, but that is equally as funny in its associations)</p>
Orignal From: What are some of the most popular jewelry companies in India?