<h3>Ill be moving to kuwait in 3 weeks how safe is it over there and some travel tips?</h3>
OK first im an openly gay man and ill be moving to Kuwait in with my boyfriend for 3 weeks i know about the gay laws in Kuwait soo my question is how safe is it over there? do take your passport away when you get to the country and they only give it back once you live the country i just wanna know different travel tips and some information even thought i been doing some research im kind of nervous of traveling to a place completely different from USA so if you guys can help with any tips i would really appreciate it thank you!
<strong>Kuwait best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by El Yau Wan</i><br/>You will be about as safe in Kuwait as a goldfish among sharks.</p>
<p><strong>Kuwait Elections 0477</strong>
<img alt="Kuwait" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7021/6724697159_39bc80b306.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/73905487@N05/6724697159">Kuwaitelections2012</a></i>
Fomer MP Dr. Aseel Al-Awadhi, one of 24 women running in Kuwait's Feb. 2, 2012 parliamentary elections, gestures as she addresses supporters at the opening of her elections HQ on 17 Jan 2012 in Surra in Kuwait. A total of 340 candidates are running in the polls to elect a new 50-seat National Assembly (parliament).
العضو السابق د. أسيل العوضي، إحدى 24 امرأة يخضن الانتخابات النيابية القادمة في 2/2/2012، وهي تلوح مخاطبة مؤيديها لدى افتتاح مقرها الإنتخابي يوم 17/1/2012 في السرة، الدائرة الثالثة في الكويت. ويتنافس 340 مرشحاً في تلك الانتخابات التي تجري لاختيار مجلس أمة جديد من 50 عضو</p>
Orignal From: Ill be moving to kuwait in 3 weeks how safe is it over there and some travel tips?