<h3>I would like to sell an Italian schoolbook written for the Amaraic language from Asmara, Ethiopia in the 50's</h3>

This is a school book published by the Italian community in Ethiopia and is written in Italian in order to learn the Amariac language. It's in good condition and I got it when I lived in Eritrea, Ethopia as a child in the early 1960's.

<strong>Eritrea best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Ethio In Ethio AND PROUD !</i><br/>Hi,

I'd sell it on E-bay if I were you. Looks like something that would fetch a good price.

P.S. The language is AMHARIC.

Cheers !</p>
<p><strong>Eritrea 2011</strong>
<img alt="Eritrea" src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3059/5812590336_6be8d78479.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/22257051@N07/5812590336">thecomeupshow</a></i>
Adulis &quot;Chedo&quot; Mokanan visited Eritrea this past May to check out Independence day and the beautiful country, located in the horn of Africa.</p>

Orignal From: I would like to sell an Italian schoolbook written for the Amaraic language from Asmara, Ethiopia in the 50's