<h3>what is the worth on a columbia space shuttel coin?</h3>
I have a 1996 columbia comimrative coine made out of what I beleive is silver the proof mark apears to be an R on the back it says republic of marshall islands I was wondeeing if any one knew anything on this coin maby the worth
<strong>Marshall Islands best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Cirric</i><br/>Hi. It is worth whatever someone will pay for it. Try eBay if you want to sell it but personally I would keep it!</p>
<p><strong>The Marshall Islands - Majuro - Main road #1</strong>
<img alt="Marshall Islands" src="http://farm1.staticflickr.com/120/302902487_4b1cebc036.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/68467272@N00/302902487">mrlins</a></i>
[scanned slide from March 2000]
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