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What is the ruling body of South Africa?

<h3>What is the ruling body of South Africa?</h3>

I need to know the "ruling body" of South Africa. Also, would someone clarify what a ruling body is. I thought that it was like Congress, but I could be wrong. Thank you for your help!

<strong>South Africa best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Charlie</i><br/>A ruling body is the group ( usually elected) that makes the laws to rule a country. See 1st site below. in South Africa, the ruling body is the Parliament, which has 2 houses. See 2nd site and read section on Government and Politics.</p>
<p><strong>City Hall (Durban, South Africa)</strong>
<img alt="South Africa" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">~MVI~ (warped)</a></i>
What is perhaps Durban's most famous building was built in 1910 and is today a popular tourist destination. I was able to take a shot at the building as we queue for the reception dinner tendered by the government of South Africa for the delegates of UNFCCC's 17th Conference of Parties. That means there are plenty of police around (November 2011).</p>

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