<h3>What is the prayer song they play on Radio Kuwait?</h3>
When I was in Kuwait last year, I listen to an English Radio station called RK FM, and they would play this Arabic song at prayer time. Does any one know what it is called and where I can get an mp3 of it?
<strong>Kuwait best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Kolera</i><br/>since rk m is owned by an american, and since it plays english songs, they don't put the prayer "athann" they put a song that sounds islamic, but really more like ala' deen cartoons movie, if u ever seen it.
it's not a religious prayer, it's not even considered a prayer.. muslims look differently at music, a prayer can't be a song unlike the way it is in churches for example.
if ur asking about it's name, im sorry i don't know it.. but it's a rythm that kinda sounds like azan in a way..(its my friends opinion, to me it sounds crappy..).
i hope it helped..and sorry if not :D u can always call one of the djs and ask..or add london lady to ur list..</p>
<p><strong>Kuwait Elections 0447</strong>
<img alt="Kuwait" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7016/6724691469_15804fa2aa.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/73905487@N05/6724691469">Kuwaitelections2012</a></i>
Dr. Aseel Al-Awadhi, a former Kuwaiti lawmaker running in Surra in Kuwait's general election next month, gestures as she addresses supporters at the opening of her elections HQ on 17 Jan. 2012. Al-Awadhi is one of 24 women and among a total of 340 candidates running in the Feb. 2 polls to elect a new 50-seat National Assembly (parliament).
العضو السابق د. أسيل العوضي، إحدى 24 امرأة يخضن الانتخابات النيابية القادمة في 2/2/2012، وهي تلوح مخاطبة مؤيديها لدى افتتاح مقرها الإنتخابي يوم 17/1/2012 في السرة، الدائرة الثالثة في الكويت. ويتنافس 340 مرشحاً في تلك الانتخابات التي تجري لاختيار مجلس أمة جديد من 50 عضو.</p>
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