<h3>What are the best online discount vacation sites?</h3>
Looking to go down south(mexico, st lucia, jamica) and need a vacation website to buy a last minute deal - 7 days all inclusive package out of the Syracuse etc.
<strong>St.Lucia best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by MiMi ♥</i><br/>All i know if to avoid expedia they really messed up my friends honey moon vacation</p>
<p><strong>St. Lucia - Pitons Area</strong>
<img alt="St.Lucia" src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3383/3419334983_5cf142eedd.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/24616128@N00/3419334983">Loimere</a></i>
St. Lucia - Pitons Area</p>
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