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How do I reconstruct these 2 sentences to make them more coherent/grammatically correct?

<h3>How do I reconstruct these 2 sentences to make them more coherent/grammatically correct?</h3>

Distinguished Speakers of exceptional merit:

We have planned at the level of both institutions, visitors and guests of exceptional merit. This group consists of individuals in charge of the big international institutions (AREVA, AIDS UNO), personalities of former Heads of State known for their uprightness and their sense of the given word. Some of these individuals include: (Ould Val, former president of Mauritania; Ahemed Ben Bella, former president of Algeria and Toumani Touré, President of Mali.

<strong>Mali best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Bob Smith</i><br/>Distinguished Speakers of Exceptional Merit:

We are pleased to welcome (announce) some special guests will be joining us. This group consists of individuals in charge of big international institutions like AREVA, AIDS, & UNO, and former Heads of State. I don't need to say how highly regarded they are. Some of these individuals include Ould Val, former President of Mauritania, Ahemed Ben Bella, former President of Algeria and Toumani Touré, President of Mali.</p>
<p><strong>Kvinnoprojekt i Mali</strong>
<img alt="Mali" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">Barnfonden</a></i>
För att lĂ¥ngsiktigt förbättra situationen för kvinnor och barn arbetade Barnfonden under förra Ă¥ret med ett speciellt projekt för att stärka kvinnliga ledare i Mali. Projektet har visat att det inte behöver ta lĂ¥ng tid att stärka kvinnors inflytande. Med en kombination av ledarskapsutbildning, mikrokrediter och kunskap om hälsa och familjeplanering har kvinnorna fĂ¥tt mer att säga till om!</p>

Orignal From: How do I reconstruct these 2 sentences to make them more coherent/grammatically correct?

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