<h3>How do I google a Ghana, Africa phone number?</h3>
My friend has been speaking with someone from Ghana, Africa. How do I google the number to see if this 'person' is legit?
This person isn't business related- but I still don't believe "she" is who she says she is- but I have a number for her and was hoping to be able to pull 'whoever' it belongs to up- and maybe see if it scam related.
<strong>Ghana best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by DaffyDuck</i><br/>If they are claiming to be from a business you could look up that business -
<p><strong>Ghana - Trees Ghana Samsam Odumase community farmers outplanting - June 2010</strong>
<img alt="Ghana" src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4093/4876764804_b2d41d9719.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/68632374@N00/4876764804">treesftf</a></i>
Trees Ghana Samsam Odumase community farmers transplant trees</p>
Orignal From: How do I google a Ghana, Africa phone number?