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Are there any English colleges in Japan that offer a computer science course?

<h3>Are there any English colleges in Japan that offer a computer science course?</h3>

I am wondering if there are any English colleges in Japan that offer a computer science course!
I visited Japan over a year ago and it was beautiful, so much in fact I want to continue my education over there. Any suggestions would be great, thanks!

<strong>Japan best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Blaze</i><br/>If you are at an American college right now, look into their Study Abroad program. There are many schools through Study Abroad program in Japan that teach in English and have computer science programs.</p>
<p><strong>JAPAN DREAM KENJIN</strong>
<img alt="Japan" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">Jamiecat *</a></i>
JAPAN DREAM KENJIN A by clubkenjin Loon.

Second Life region: JAPAN DREAM KENJIN</p>

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