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Why the international media rarely shows images of developing countries of Europe?

<h3>Why the international media rarely shows images of developing countries of Europe?</h3>

I have just read a list of developing or low income countries; some of them are located in Europe, like Moldova and Albania.

How come very little is shown about these countries in the international media, apart from human, organ or sex trafficking?

What is life like in these "so called" developing countries of Europe? Is is hard there?

<strong>Albania best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by pearlmar</i><br/>Because most people aren't interested.</p>
<p><strong>Athens to Albania</strong>
<img alt="Albania" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">the MaGe</a></i>
Summer 2007: Athens to Albania</p>

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