<h3>Who authorized a bombing campaign against Cambodia, resulting in increased opposition to the war in Vietnam?</h3>
Who authorized a bombing campaign against Cambodia, resulting in increased opposition to the war in Vietnam?
Henry Kissinger
Lyndon B. Johnson
John F. Kennedy
Richard Nixon
45. Why was waging war in Vietnam difficult for U.S. soldiers? (Points : 2)
The Vietnamese terrain and climate were harsh and difficult.
Most South Vietnamese helped the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese.
U.S. soldiers were poorly equipped and lacked adequate training.
North Vietnamese soldiers were highly trained and well-equipped.
<strong>Cambodia best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by CN</i><br/>Nixon.
Vietnamese terrain.</p>
<p><strong>Cambodia 1992062</strong>
<img alt="Cambodia" src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4083/4839823442_f98e428ea2.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/17291033@N00/4839823442">ijiwaru jimbo</a></i>
Exploring the ruins & temples around Angkor Wat in Cambodia with Jason & Sanna. Best trip ever, despite the dangers & awful travel conditions. Awesome</p>
Orignal From: Who authorized a bombing campaign against Cambodia, resulting in increased opposition to the war in Vietnam?