<h3>what would be a good thesis statement on the topic of christianity in Ethiopia?</h3>
I have to do a paper in the traditions of Christianity in Ethiopia and I am struggling coming up with a good thesis statement. help please!
<strong>Ethiopia best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by yohanestoro</i><br/>It dates back to 300 AD, and most of the existing churches there are located in very high mountains. Try to find more information in the archives of the National Geographic.
God bless you!</p>
<p><strong>Ethiopia - World Environment Day 2012 Celebration in Konso - June 2012</strong>
<img alt="Ethiopia" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8146/7465948254_87e7dc4145.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/68632374@N00/7465948254">treesftf</a></i>
In partnership with Greener Ethiopia (GE) and Forum for Environment (FFE), Trees for the Future (TREES) hosted a World Environment Day 2012 Celebration in Konso. Around 500 women, men and youth from five communities participated in the event. Activities during the day included a tour of one of our seedling nurseries for government reps and partners, speeches by tribal elders, tree planting in a nearby watershed, traditional dances, and environmental-themed songs and skits, written by TREES'/GE's Gocha Nursery Manager and performed by youth green clubs that were established in 2011 by TREES/GE. FFE provided funding for planting tools to be distributed to TREES/GE target communities for their seedling nurseries and training centers. The day was wrapped up with a feast of kurkufa (a local dish made of Moringa stenopetala) and cheka, a local brew made from corn.</p>
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