<h3>What is good protection i can use for my Nikon D90 to protect it from the humidity in Costa Rica?</h3>
I am going to costa rica on a mission trip, and i was asked to take pictures for the trip. I want to bring my D90, but I know the moisture and humidity is REALLY bad there. Like, 100% humidity. So, i was wondering what I could do to keep my camera protected.
<strong>Costa Rica best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by David M</i><br/>I would just keep a few of those Silica Gel packs in your camera bag. When not using the camera keep it sealed up in the bag. These will help. They absorb moisture in the air and wont hurt anything.</p>
<p><strong>Costa Rica September 2007</strong>
<img alt="Costa Rica" src="http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1040/1464778541_9b8edf0743.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/86931652@N00/1464778541">DoctorWho</a></i>
Costa Rica September 2007</p>
Orignal From: What is good protection i can use for my Nikon D90 to protect it from the humidity in Costa Rica?