<h3>How much does a laptop cost in ethiopia or any gadget is it cheaper there ?</h3>
is it cheaper there to but laptop phones iphone and games than say Uk or usa ? And how many birr are stuff in ethiopia how much is food drinks hotel and other things in ethiopia??? Thanks
<strong>Ethiopia best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by TASTY</i><br/>THEY HAVE A CURRENCY CONVERTER</p>
<p><strong>Ethiopia - World Environment Day 2012 Celebration in Konso - June 2012</strong>
<img alt="Ethiopia" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7248/7465943192_b8c9878374.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/68632374@N00/7465943192">treesftf</a></i>
In partnership with Greener Ethiopia (GE) and Forum for Environment (FFE), Trees for the Future (TREES) hosted a World Environment Day 2012 Celebration in Konso. Around 500 women, men and youth from five communities participated in the event. Activities during the day included a tour of one of our seedling nurseries for government reps and partners, speeches by tribal elders, tree planting in a nearby watershed, traditional dances, and environmental-themed songs and skits, written by TREES'/GE's Gocha Nursery Manager and performed by youth green clubs that were established in 2011 by TREES/GE. FFE provided funding for planting tools to be distributed to TREES/GE target communities for their seedling nurseries and training centers. The day was wrapped up with a feast of kurkufa (a local dish made of Moringa stenopetala) and cheka, a local brew made from corn.</p>
Orignal From: How much does a laptop cost in ethiopia or any gadget is it cheaper there ?