<h3>How do I get from Jilin Province to Hong Kong REALLY QUICKLY?</h3>
I'm thinking of teaching in Jilin Province, but there's an issue -- there are several standardized tests that I have to take in Hong Kong (DSST and ECE tests, not offered in mainland China).
Now, assuming I'm working a five-day workweek, how do I finish work on Friday night in Jilin and get all the way to Hong Kong by Saturday morning?
I think the train would be much too slow.
<strong>Hong Kong best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by We never left!</i><br/>Hire a private jet. (nyuck, nyuck)</p>
<p><strong>Hong Kong Skyline</strong>
<img alt="Hong Kong" src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5218/5400529663_5823b28648.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/21829537@N00/5400529663">sanfamedia.com</a></i>
Hong Kong Skyline from the Peak and Lugard Road</p>
Orignal From: How do I get from Jilin Province to Hong Kong REALLY QUICKLY?