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How can i finish senior year of high school in france?

<h3>How can i finish senior year of high school in france?</h3>

I want to finish high school in France, but i don't know if its possible or not. Is there a program that would allow me to do this and still get a high school diploma from my high school in the US or are there any other options? Thanks for any help!

<strong>France best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by yourx3juststopped</i><br/>Unfortunately - no. What you CAN do, is, depending on how old you are, either finish high school here then do an extra year in France, OR, do a year in France then come back and finish high school year.
Through an exchange program, your grades in your foreign country don't count for anything.

If you have questions, I'm an exchange student myself.. You can find me on facebook (Mat Morris - I'm wearing a blue shirt, holding up a McFlurry) or MSN - .</p>

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