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how are the elderly perceived and treated, and how are issues of mortality handled in thailand?

<h3>how are the elderly perceived and treated, and how are issues of mortality handled in thailand?</h3>

In thailand they obviously do things different than the U.S and i was wondering what they are.

<strong>Thailand best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Trapper John</i><br/>I guess you gotta go to both places.
You are in the U.S., so that should not be a problem.
Americans tend to the elderly like they are gold.
Respect and love is all American older folks know.
About Thailand, I'm not sure.</p>
<p><strong>Bb of Thailand swap items</strong>
<img alt="Thailand" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">natalia love</a></i>
i did a swap with a person in Thailand, who can identify herself if she wants to be bombarded with swap offers (^_^)

... and these are the bits i probably won't use, that came along with the other bits that are going to totally spice up my dolls' wardrobes.

(Bb is a Barbie knock-off company, that makes some really fun styles. quality seems equal to mattel, to my untrained eye. ie: not one-dollar store type knockoffs.)

will swap for other doll items (1:6 or 1:4 size) or else paypal.

please put a note on the picture if possible, to reserve your item.

<b>people that i <a href=""> owe swap items to</a> have dibs.</b>

going to <a href="">ebay</a> soon, if not swapped out.</p>

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