<h3>Do you think countries like Haiti and Pakistan are too quick to cry victim and beg for money?</h3>
Governments keep making donations to these irresponsible countries with your tax money. And then they have the nerve to offer to match dollar for dollar what the people donate with government funds (your tax money). Do you think countries like Haiti, Pakistan and a myriad of other "feel sorry for me" nations who waste billions on corruption and fleecing donations just have their hands out and the tears going on once too often? Are you getting sick of being "played" for a sucker?
<strong>Haiti best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by Scyllis</i><br/>No. Devestating disastars hit them that they cannot deal with and they petition for money.
As for Pakistan, ensuring the gov't keeps the fiath of the people is and int'l security concern given the nation's instability and nuclear arsenal and popular Jihadist movements.</p>
<img alt="Haiti" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8386/8518035983_6b006227bc.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/30827726@N05/8518035983">uusc4all</a></i>
UUCSJ delegation to Haiti, February 2013. </p>
Orignal From: Do you think countries like Haiti and Pakistan are too quick to cry victim and beg for money?