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Comapred to Italy,why do France and Germany have more cultural/language centres abaord?

<h3>Comapred to Italy,why do France and Germany have more cultural/language centres abaord?</h3>

The cultural centres of the following countries :

Germany --> Goethe Institut
France ---> Alliance Francaise
Italy ------> Dante Aligheri Society

Is it because France and Germany has a stronger "soft power" comapred to Italy? Or other reasons? Or the Italian government don't do well in promoting their langague( compared to France and Germany government who promotes French and German respectivly ) ?

<strong>French Polynesia best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by silversight2189</i><br/>The reason may be due to the fact that there are more French and German speakers throughout the world, compared to Italian speakers.

There are 500 million French speakers and 180 million German speakers worldwide. However, there are only 74 million Italian speakers worldwide.</p>
<p><strong>bb8507_116, Motu Tapu, Bora Bora, French Polynesia</strong>
<img alt="French Polynesia" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">jimg944</a></i>
The island of Bora Bora in French Polynesia (Tahiti).

This photo was taken in July 1985 on Kodachrome 64 slide film with a Minolta SLR camera and Vivitar 70-150 zoom. Scanned in 2005. Photo by Jim Gateley.</p>

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