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Why does China have such a large population in comparison to others?

<h3>Why does China have such a large population in comparison to others?</h3>

You always hear about how China is always so over-populated and stuff, but I don't understand why that is. I mean, there are even bigger countries like Canada and Russia, both of which have smaller populations than China.

Can anyone explain this to me?

<strong>China best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by how</i><br/>the chinese have a lot of penises</p>
<p><strong>Headin' Back to China</strong>
<img alt="China" src="" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="">Kris Krug</a></i>
I got my Visa today and on Friday I'm headed back to China. This time we get to go to Beijing AND Shanghai. I'm very excited. I'll be there with <a href="">Bryght</a> partners <a href="">Raincity Studios</a> and with client <a href="">China Access 2008</a>. We're also helping to organize BarCamp Shanghai while we're there. My dates are...

September 16th-19th - Beijing, China
September 19th-26th - Shanghai, China

I'll also be hoping to meetup with the Beijing Flickr Meetup Group and the Shanghai Flickr Meetup Group while I'm there.</p>

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