<h3>What is the optimum per square mile density of a nation?</h3>
And how many people does a nation have to have to be considered a real nation? Not a micro-state like Liechtenstein. No offense to anyone from Liechtenstein!
And how many square miles should a nation be minimum?
<strong>Liechtenstein best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by atzu_87</i><br/>well you have vatican city which is a nation unto itself =/...
so it's pretty much one guys backyard to a continent (or in the US's case a continent + the areas we felt like saying are with us =/...)</p>
<p><strong>Liechtenstein Palace</strong>
<img alt="Liechtenstein" src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2551/4142344228_f3edd84beb.jpg" width="400"/><br/>
<i>Image by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/68706988@N00/4142344228">Anomieus</a></i>
The Liechtenstein Palace which holds the amazing Princely Collections inside. Unable to photograph inside, but well worth the visit for the stunning art inside.</p>
Orignal From: What is the optimum per square mile density of a nation?