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What are some facts about Brazil that a resident would know?

<h3>What are some facts about Brazil that a resident would know?</h3>

Can you tell me some facts about Brazil that someone who has lived there would probably know? These facts should be harder to guess for someone who has not lived in Brazil. Facts can be related to culture, daily life, geography, politics, etc. Thanks.

<strong>Brazil best answer:</strong>
<p><i>Answer by kingprawn</i><br/>- that everybody drinks and drive
- how corrupt cops can be
- how much bureaucracy you find here for everything
- that most Brazilians arrive about 2 hours after the party starts
- that is very common to kiss in the first date
- that topless is "forbidden"
- that we had an enormous problem with inflation in the past, something like 1000% in a month
- that we have changed our currency about 6 times in the past 30 years (réis, cruzeiro, cruzados, cruzeiros novos, cruzados novos... and finally real)
- that Brazilians always say: "call me or come over to visit us", but many times they do not mean it
- that in the northeast we have a religion we call candonblé, with african influence
- that most Brazilians have a inferiority complex against europeans and americans
- that your libido is probably higher here than in other countries, as people tend to give you compliments and look at you with certain sensuality</p>

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