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The Haunting of Sunshine Girl - Driving down the coast and arriving at Newport, OR

What Makes a Girl Fall For a Guy - The Top Three Traits Every Guy Should Have


Attracting girls can be a little tricky for most guys. Girls are always hard to crack and they always seem to be saying something but will always mean another. Knowing how to flirt with girls can be a good thing but the real question is: what makes a girl fall for a guy anyway? Below are the top three things every guy should have to get be luckier with girls:

When you become insistent. Girls do play hard-to-get --- they're just born that way. As guys, attracting girls can be a great feat. By being consistent and insistent, you standout from the rest of the guys who seem to only show signs that they solely want to sleep with girls. By showing your good intentions, girls will find you more appealing and alluring than the rest.

When you make her feel loved and protected. Every girl wants to be called beautiful. When saying so, be sincere. Girls can detect if you're just trying to be lucky. Some girls may appear too confident and independent but truth is, girls are still damsels-in-distress by heart and it's our job to be knights in shining armor to her rescue.

When you ignore her from time to time. Sure, some girls want to be chased but the truth is, most girls would love a little challenge every now and then. Ever wondered when girls act a little freaked out when you act need and desperate for attention? Do some reverse psychology and ignore her for a change (but not too much or she might surely turn away for good). That will leave her intrigued and would chase you instead.

Do you want to know more on how to flirt with girls? Do you now have what it takes to make a girl fall for you? Uncover more tips when it comes to attracting girls by visiting my website right now. It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with women you thought you'd never get a chance with!

The Haunting of Sunshine Girl - Driving down the coast and arriving at Newport, OR So after we left the book store in Lincoln city, which wasn't haunted by the way, he headed south toward Newport. First you have to pass through Depoe Bay Oregon, which is the smallest functional fishing bay in the US... I think. LOL. But eventually we made it down to Newport, which you can see from the video, required me to do parallel parking, which I don't want to do. Newport is actually a pretty old fishing town and has some good haunted stories in it. We're going to visit a couple places in newport that aren't haunted and then go up o the light house which is supposed to have a ghost or two. No kidding! Stay tuned! I wanted to say a couple things about my videos. I've always intended this a vlog, first it was a vlog to document the ghosts in my house and now it's grown to cover other things as well. I know I'm just some teen girl talking to the camera but I really appreciate when so many people leave me positive comments about my little ghost videos, the ghost caught on tape videos, and even the stuff that doesn't have anything to do with the paranormal. It really makes me feel connected to all of you. Thanks for watching and please do share! It helps me make more videos and I can't wait to show you what has been happening back at my house since the trip!
girl Video Rating: 4 / 5

Orignal From: The Haunting of Sunshine Girl - Driving down the coast and arriving at Newport, OR

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