Why You Should Buy American Made Products
The most obvious reason to buy American made products is quite simply to keep American's working, if you buy products made in the USA it will obviously help keep American workers employed, it helps American businesses stay in business, and helps the economy.
You hear every day about this company, or that company down sizing, and laying off American workers, if all American's were to buy American made products do you really think that these business would be downsizing like they are now.
The economy is another subject that you hear about every day if you live in this country, and you should hear about it, the point needs to be driven home that American's need to help their country, and don't think that you can't help, because you can.
Do you remember a few years back when no country could tell the USA that we had to do anything, now we have a president that takes full bow for the king of Saudi-Arabia, yes we need to fix things in our country, and it all starts with the economy.
We need to re-gain our American pride, we need to buy American made products, I know that it a must to buy some imported goods, but without question you can cut way down on it, it seems that our country is going down the toilet, and nobody cares.
Don't buy in to the America bashing, give the business in your own country a chance to sell you some goods and possibly you can learn a thing or two about quality, if your lucky you may just become an American at some point along the way.
Supporting your country is a part of being an American, it's part of living in this country, and it should come naturally to every person living here, reduce your buying of imported goods, and support American business, be American and love your country.
The USA used to be the country doing all of the exporting, now we do hardly any, and part of the reason why is because the American public has even rubbed off on other countries, and they believe that American products in inferior.
America could be the king of industry again, but not until we grow a few American's in this country again, a few people who support their country in every way possible, you people who refuse to buy American products are part of the economic problem.
It's time to grow some patriotism people, it's time to be an American again, it's time to support your country, it's time to salute the flag again, we need to do all we can to help our country, if you don't like the idea of companies downsizing you can help stop it.
If you don't want to be fired,or laid off, you can help stop it from happening, when you buy American made products it helps keep our country working, it helps keep the companies that you work for in business, and it helps our country.
Forbes Earnings Preview: American International Group
By Narrative Science Leading up to American Intl Group's (AIG) announcement of its first quarter earnings on Thursday, May 3, 2012, analysts have become more bullish as expectations have improved over the past month from 65 cents per share to the ...
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Orignal From: Why You Should Buy American Made Products
By Narrative Science Leading up to American Intl Group's (AIG) announcement of its first quarter earnings on Thursday, May 3, 2012, analysts have become more bullish as expectations have improved over the past month from 65 cents per share to the ...
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Orignal From: Why You Should Buy American Made Products