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The Titanic And The United States?

The Titanic And The United States?

United States

Both the Titanic and the United States could share the same destiny, unless? In April 1912, a magnificent steel monster of a seafaring passenger vessel sail from Queenstown, Ireland with 324 First Class (rich and Captains of Industry), 283 Second Class (Entrepreneurs, small business people) and about 710 Third Class (Wage earners, unemployed, etc.). Approximately 600 people in the third Class were legal and illegal immigrants traveling to America, the Land of Honey! There were roughly 890 crew members. I want to equate them as government officials and employees. When this ship was built, everyone believed the Titanic would be a Star of Stars for generations. Everyone in industry, science, government and society had only pure and complete praise for this superb specimen of man's ability to construct.

But about 36 hours later after she left Ireland, the Titanic struck a huge iceberg and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. End of Chapter One or part one of a dream!

Now to the United States of America. When thirteen colonies united and formed the United States, an analogy to the Titanic was born. Both became magnificent and were to dominate everything for generations. The titanic failed all expectations set her when she struck that iceberg and sank.

The United States was built on a strong foundation (The U.S. constitution) almost like the keel of the Titanic. The United States has sailed for generations, enjoying good times and bad. She has survived bad and almost "perfect" storms. She has sailed on many calm waters. But then, like the Titanic, she struck an iceberg. It was her first in many years and they called it "Wall Street". There was a huge tear in her hull but luckily it could be repaired. Then a little further on, she struck another, "Real Estate". This threw her off course and she hit two more. "Unemployment" and "Discretionary Spending" (as one wishes, or buying beyond one's means).

Although severely damaged by these four icebergs, the United States remained on the same course. Known but not recognized or realized by many, two huge and dangerous icebergs lay directly ahead. Someone named them, "the Dollar" and "the National Debt".

If the United States strikes these two and is able to continue on her course, she will sail eternally? But if these last two icebergs are too big for her, she will join the Titanic and the rest at the bottom! What then?

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