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Barack Obama, President of All Americans, Not Primarily For African Americans

Barack Obama, President of All Americans, Not Primarily For African Americans


I read that some African American pressure groups want Obama to place more African Americans in top leadership positions. These African Americans should take in consideration that Japanese Americans, Chinese Americans, Latin Americans and people from many other ethnic groups, including, also, a large portion of the white American population voted Barack Obama into the presidency. No one should have a monopoly on the functions of the president.

Why would anybody or group in a working democracy want to exploit Obama's position as president? The present white generations of people have nothing to do with the issues about slavery and discrimination of previous centuries. They are not the same kind of people.

Is it not fair that Barack Obama should place super-qualified people from all ethnic groups and genders in leadership positions? President Barack Obama is smart not to listen to grumbling African American political activist-groups because should he listen to activist groups' overzealous demands, there might not be another African American president soon; and Barack Obama might not be reelected.

That should be a pity, because our first African American president should be given a fair 8 year incumbency period to prove that he is, and can be as good as or better than any former American president. The president is president of all Americans, not those only in whose little ethnic group this official belongs.

This is exactly the demands that African Americans have been raising concerning presidents and politicians in general for a century; that the president, and governments in general, shall not be prejudiced. Now that America has an African American president, (much of his genes are white, by the way) the same African Americans want to forget what they, as a group, have been striving for persistently. Are they now going to reverse their long-standing demands of equality and fairness and have the president become pro-African American-prejudiced -and against all other Americans? It would prove that African Americans cannot be trusted to cling fast to their own lauded general principles.

If President Barack Obama would listen only once to such activist pressure groups he has betrayed the reason for which he was placed into office. I would hold that against him; and so would other millions of people in America and even billions of people abroad. I am sure that President Barack Obama does not want such a reputation spread into public opinion, local, domestic and world-wide.

People should be appointed into leadership positions that are most qualified for the job, irrespective of political ethnic infighting, or by any other sort of activist method. Activist pressure groups are severely prejudiced groups in any event. What serious American would support such insane babble from any group- -whether they are of a corporate, environmental, ethnic, religious or age group nature?

Activist pressure groups prevent a president, any president, from performing his duties to the fullest- -and is political activist infighting according to that sacred standard "democracy"? Political activist or pressure groups are decidedly anti-democratic! They are really criminal conspiracies to overthrow the standards of democracy. Why are such groups not treated that way?

The age of activist pressure groups must come to an end because such continued behavior will result in even more corrupt government actions and dirtier politics as well. This age should produce better government and a better grade of elected officials. Are we today dealing with moral progress or just more of the steadily increasing political hassle of "more and more of the utterly, unacceptable same?

African Americans (and all other groups of political infighting), make up your mind! Politics is one realm where reasonless emotionalism (and rationality based on greed and vanity) will kill the golden goose of ethnical and ethical political progress; the goose for which you have been so long in waiting, and so hard in effort to produce. Stick to the guns you have always rallied around- -fairness for every one in the capacity for which a person is best qualified and in which the person is a good performer to produce quality and real output.

"More laws" is not the answer, but better and more sincere performance in any capacity of office, in government and commerce is the answer! I, for one, would be for a moratorium on more laws. We do not need more laws but we do need a better grade of citizens and a better grade of sincere brotherhood among citizens.

Our educational institutions ought to be responsible for that; but it seems that a good portion of graduates is crime-motivated, egomaniacs (just because there isn't a law against some acts it does not mean that such acts are not criminal in intend and nature).

The generally accepted norms of ethics in society define the scheme of laws in that society and are the norms by which crimes are measured and defined. Just because there is no specific law describing a certain act as illegal, does not mean that a person who committed such an act can claim immunity from prosecution.

A lot of legally undefined actions are actions against the general ethics of society. Society could never make enough laws to define all actions against another person or against society in general. When an act is clearly intended to injure another person or group one is dealing with a criminal act that can be measured against the standards acceptable in that society; and a person deliberately committing such an act ought to be found guilty according to the standards in that society.

The prime motivating standard against crime still is," "Do not unto others what you would not like to have done to you." The ethics of many Americans is far below the acceptable norm of ethics inculcated in American society. Not-legally-defined actions against the general standard of ethics in society are crimes against society and such actions must be punished nevertheless.

The standard of courtesy encountered about 75 years ago has vanished and a harsher, more brutal aspect of behavior has taken its place. Shame on you, Americans!

I oppose presidents proposing new laws. A president's governmental position is not one to rally the nation for more laws but to enforce the ones we already have. Congress is there to think up and vote on laws, not the president or the Supreme Court. Why, otherwise, do we have a separation of departments in government? Why then, instead, would we not vote into office a dictator, a king, a prime minister as there are in many other countries?

The Executive Department of government has been abusing its powers of office by proposing and actually formalizing the laws. I will always be against that!

I would like to see accountability in laws enacted by Congress and the legislative bodies of state governments; for every law Congress enacts it ought to cancel a law that is out of date. This would enforce accountability to the rampantly inflationary and contradictory trend of enacted laws. There are plenty of laws that for one reason or another cannot be relied on in court. I have tried and failed.

Laws enacted when this nation was a republic cannot be relied on any more. Laws that ensured that government is the servant and the citizens the master are on the books only for propaganda-reasons. It is deceit. If such laws were scrapped from the books the nation would suddenly wake up and understand what has happened to it. That is the only reason these early laws are still on the books.

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Orignal From: Barack Obama, President of All Americans, Not Primarily For African Americans

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